Sunday 19 February 2012

Same old song and dance

George looked up from shoeing the horse to see the outline of Curley's wife in the doorway of the barn. They were alone. She looked like a cool drink of water thought George.
     "All dressed up and nowhere to go?"  he enquired. She giggled and mumbled "Come hell or high  water, I'm gonna' look good". With a smile George replied "Well you're a chatty Cathy now aren't ya". She glared at him cold as ice "Just tryna' make conversation is all".
     "Cool your jets" George grumbled calmly, "Just pokin' fun".
     "Well you crossed the line". Curley's wife didn't like to be teased, she was sick to death of it. All her life she was made fun of at school for thinking that one day she'd get out of the small town and move on to bigger things, George's comment brought all those memories flooding back and she couldn't handle it. But she swallowed her pride and got her composure back for she was very lonely and it wasn't very often she got to talk to someone. George saw that it had upset her and bit his tongue. trying to make up for it he smiled softly.
     "Look don't cry over spilt milk" exclaimed George. Curley's wife turned up her nose and looked away. This angered George and he became defensive. "Why are you here anyways, just cut to the chase" he spat. Alarmed, Curley's wife drew a blank. She didn't know how to answer the question; she really had no reason for being in the barn so she stuck to her constant excuse and whispered "I'm lookin' for Curley" and she ran out.

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